Your Selected Parameters:
▼ Select multiple attributes

For each additional attribute, select the new item from the attributes list, then select the attribute's value. "Your selected Parameters" lists each attribute/value pair that has been added.

▼ Glossary
Gender and number of speakers and addressees
masc: single masculine speaker or addressee
fem: single feminine speaker or addressee
unspec (gender): speaker or addressee whose gender is not stated and which is not clear from the context. unspec is also used as the name of a speaker or addressee, where it may have various genders (masc, unspec, pl masc, pl unspec)
pl masc: a group of men, such as "Greeks" or "suitors (of Penelope)"
pl fem: a group of women, such as "maidservants" or "nymphs"
pl mixed: a group composed of both men and women, such as "gods" or "parents"
pl unspec: an addressee whose gender composition is unclear, but which context implies to be a group rather than an individual
Narrative Level: variables related to whether the narrator of a speech is a character or the main narrator
NF1: main narrator
NF2: character narrator. NF2 speeches in Odyssey 9-12 have only "Odysseus/masc" in the "speaker of enclosing/gender" fields
NF3: narrator is a character whose speech is presented within another character's speech. NF3 has as "enclosing speech" the NF1 speech, not the NF2 speech, but speeches that appear within speeches quoted by Odysseus in Odyssey 9-12 give the info on the NF2 speech in the "enclosing speech" fields
NF1+2: speech where the narrator and narrative level are not clear (in Demodocus' songs in Odyssey 8 and the scar story in Odyssey 19); these do not have any "enclosing speech" information due to their unclear narrative level
Subordinate clause
any word or phrase grammatically dependent on a verb of speaking
Type of Speech Represented
direct quotation: speech presented from the point of view of the speaker; deictic words reflect speaker’s perspective
indirect speech: speech presented from the point of view of the reporter; deictic words reflect reporter’s perspective
speech mention: speech presented from the point of view of the reporter; does not provide the specific words of the speech
FID: free indirect discourse: speech presentation that includes features of both direct quotation and indirect speech
Speech Act Type
directive: a speech act about action
assertive: a speech act about facts, tends to be oriented toward the speaker
expressive: a speech act about emotions
interrogative: a speech act about facts, tends to be oriented toward the addressee
Speech Act Subtype
for definitions of speech act subtypes, see Introduction, pp. 14-18
initial: a speech act that begins a conversational exchange
reactive: a speech act that responds to a previous move
problematic: a speech act that responds to a previous move by challenging or disobeying it