Aswaat Arabiyya website banner
University of Texas at Austin
Liberal Arts Instructional Technology Services

The listening materials included in the Aswaat cArabiyya project have a number of distinctive features:

  1. They are organized by levels of proficiency

    The listening materials included in the Aswaat cArabiyya project target all levels of proficiency from Novice to Superior. Six different levels have been identified based on the ACTFL Generic Proficiency Guidelines. Each level is indicated on the site in Arabic and is color-coordinated to help the users identify them as follows:

    diagram of proficiency levels available on the Flash video player

    The decision of where to place each selection was made based on the function, text type, and range of vocabulary; some selections are used in two different levels but with different tasks that reflect what learners can do at each level.

  2. They are not based on any particular textbook

    The selections contained in Aswaat cArabiyya are not based on any particular textbook, but are meant to support teachers and learners using any textbook or syllabus.

  3. They are largely based on authentic materials

    The vast majority of the listening selections included here are made up of authentic listening materials acquired from Arab TV stations throughout the Arab world. Some materials are taken from lectures given by guests at the Arabic School at Middlebury College. The rest, however, can be described as quasi authentic because they involve various presentations by native speakers about their lives, families, travel, etc. The text of their presentations was not scripted, but they were given certain topics (family, school, travel, etc.) and asked to speak about them.

  4. They are intended for use both inside and outside the classroom

    Aswaat cArabiyya is made up of self-contained units that can be used within class or given as homework assignments. Each unit includes the listening selection and a set of pre-listening, listening and post-listening activities, along with some help tools. It aims to make listening an integral component of the Arabic curriculum.

  5. They deal with different genres of listening

    The listening selections included in Aswaat cArabiyya include a wide variety of listening genres: news and weather broadcasts, interviews, commercial ads, announcements, songs, documentaries, etc.

  6. They cover different regions of the Arab world

    The listening materials used in the project have been acquired from a number of Arab countries, including Morocco, Egypt, Syria, Lebanon, United Arab Emirates, and Qatar.

  7. They provide exposure to different varieties of Arabic

    While most of the selections included in Aswaat cArabiyya are in Modern Standard Arabic (MSA), a number of selections at the Advanced level and above display the mixing of MSA and the dialect that is characteristic of Educated Standard Arabic. In addition, some selections at the intermediate levels provide exposure to colloquial Arabic.