Kafka Quiz Questions

1. As Gregor’s room is described, there is one object in the room that Gregor has been involved in making. What is this object?

2. Who is the first visitor on the scene on the morning of Gregor’s transformation? (Besides family members).

3. Gregor dreams of leaving the job he has been working and has grown to despise. Why does he continue to work for this unpleasant firm?

4. Why is the second meal served to Gregor after his transformation more appealing to him than the first?

5. With Gregor disabled (so to speak) the family members must find employment. What does the job of the father become?

6. What job does the mother take?

7. At one point Grete gets the notion that they should clear the furniture out of Gregor's room so that he might have more space to move about. What is the mother's objection to this idea?

8. In the commotion that follows the furniture-moving incident, the father comes home to find Gregor moving around the house. With what objects does the father drive Gregor back into his room?

9. Why do the three boarders give their notice that they will vacate the premises?

10. Describe the funeral for Gregor.

Extra Credit: (one-half point). While Gregor is still in his room at the beginning, the Father sends Grete and the maid out for two professionals to assist in this matter. Name the occupation of both professionals.