Corrido de César Chávez

Version 1

"Corrido de César Chávez" was composed by recording artist Lalo Guerrero after reading a newspaper account of César Chávez' twenty-five day fast in 1968. He has recorded this song on a 45 r.p.m. record, Colonial 597.

Détente mi corazón,
En el pecho no me cabe
El regocijo y orgullo
Al cantarle a César Chávez.
Inspiración de mi gente,
Protector del campesino
El es un gran mexicano
Ese sería su destino
De muy humildes principios
Organizaste a la gente;
Y a los hacendados ricos
Te paraste frente a frente.
Injustamente te acusan
Que intentaste usar la violencia
Ayunaste veinticinco días
Pa' probar tu inocencia.
En el estandard que lleva
Mi Virgen de Guadalupe,
Que viniste ante a alabar,
De bendiciones te tuve.
A los venticinco días
El ayuno terminó
En el parque de Delano
Una misa celebró.
Junto con ocho mil almas
Bobby Kennedy asistió;
Admiración y cariño
Nuestra gente le brindó.
Vuela de aquí de me seno,
Paloma, vete a Delano;
Y por si acaso no sabes
Allí vive César Chávez.

Stop my heart,
In my breast there is no room
For the joy and pride
Of singing of César Chávez.
Inspiration of my people,
Protector of the farm worker,
He is a great Mexican;
This would be his destiny.
From very humble beginnings
You organized your people;
And against the rich ranchers
You stood face to face.
Unjustly they accuse you
Of intending to use violence.
You fasted for twenty-five days
In order to prove your innocence.
On the standard that carries
My Virgin of Guadalupe,
In whose presence you came to worship,
I esteemed you with my praise.
After twenty-five days
The fast ended;
In the park in Delano
A mass was celebrated.
Together with eight thousand souls
Bobby Kennedy attended;
Admiration and affection
Our people offered him a toast.
Fly from my breast,
Dove, go to Delano;
And if perhaps you don't know,
There lives César Chávez.


Version 2


The corrido de César Chávez is interesting because it is similar to the heroic corrido in the sense that it glorifies a particular individual through an event that occurred in the history of the movement. Like Pancho Villa, in the revolutionary cycle, the corrido de César Chávez, uses the act of fasting to show all the good qualities of César Chávez. This corrido through the use of iconographic religious images helps indirectly elevate Chávez to the level of a saint, or an important religious figure for the people. There are references to the mass that was celebrated when the fast was completed. In addition, in the fifth stanza he is compared on the standard of the Virgin of Guadalupe, which is the patron saint of Mexican, and obviously a symbol of great importance to the Mexican community. The corrido also lets the audience know that Chávez has been unjustly accused and to prove his innocence he utilizes the spiritual act of fasting. In addition, the focus is on the protagonist, rather than the movement itself, or the particular event. It displays the inspiration that the figure of César Chávez gives to the people. He is obviously a courageous leader because in third stanza he stands face to face with the rich growers. In the beginning the singer shows that he truly does care about Chávez because he is singing with pride from his heart. He also demonstrates how well respected the figure of Chávez is by adding that even the important and influential figure, Robert Kennedy, has great respect for César as an individual. It is obvious that this corrido lauds the figure of César Chávez and all that he represents for the people.
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