Create Your Flashcards

Flashcard Set Title:
Number of Flashcards (required):

** Please follow the instructions for filling the following three boxes:

   - Put a set of double quotes " around each word in the list.
   - Separate each word in the list by a comma.
   - Do not end the list with a comma.
   - Make sure the number of words in each list is equal to the number of flashcards you entered in the box above.
   - Example for Kanji List:  "食べる", "飲む", "見る"
   - Example for Furigana List:  "たべる", "のむ", "みる"
   - Example for English List:  "to eat", "to drink", "to look"

Flashcards List
in Kanji:

Flashcards List
in Furigana:

Flashcards List
in English:

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Copy and paste this code and save it as a ".htm" file.
Make sure it is saved in UTF-8 encoding
to ensure that the Japanese characters will be displayed properly.
Copyright ©2004 Nan Puthaaroon and Naoko Suito, Ph.D.   All Rights Reserved.

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