Discussing A Normal Working Day.

Latin American Executive Opinions

• Juan Martín Espinosa
• Geraldina Villarreal de la Fuente
• Rossana Montalto de Talavera
• Claudia Vila
• Ysabella Castro Bilancieri

Key vocabulary related to this topic

Cultural points related to this topic

Juan Martín Espinosa
México, D.F.
"Anteriormente los antiguos mexicanos trabajaban por jornadas..."
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Geraldina Villarreal de la Fuente
México, Monterrey, N.L.
"Yo creo que está muy marcado. Hay dos tipos de horarios..."
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Rossana Montalto de Talavera
Perú, Lima
"El horario de trabajo que tienen los latinoamericano es diferente, depende del trabajo..."
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Claudia Vila
Perú, Lima
"El horario de trabajo normal acá es entre nueve de la mañana y cinco y media de la tarde..."
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Ysabella Castro Bilancieri
Venezuela, Caracas
"Una jornada de trabajo normal en Caracas..."
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actualidad (f) currently
almorzar to eat lunch
corrida de toros (f) bull fight
cubrir to cover
elaborar to perform
empleado (m) employee
estar listo to be ready
hora de salida (f) quitting time
horario (m) schedule
incentivo (m) incentive
interminable (adj) never-ending
jornada (f) shift
jornada inglesa (f) 5 day per week shift
jornalero (m) shift worker
laborar to labor
lapso (m) lapse
madrugada (f) dawn
marcado (adj) marked, specific
reloj (m) clock
sistema laboral (m) system of work
Juan es un poco gordito. Juan is a little chubby.
María es más alta que Susana. María is taller than Susana.
Pepe tiene los ojos claros
y la tez blanca.
Pepe has light colored eyes
and white skin.
Mi tío es bastante peludo, alto y de barba abundante. My uncle is very hairy, tall, and with a full beard.
Mi prima es muy bonita, rubia y de nariz fina. My cousin is pretty, blonde, and has a thin nose.

We hear a lot now a days about "multi-tasking" in which people take care of several tasks at once. This is the traditional definition of "polychronic" cultures where people may work on many things at once. Juan Martín Espinosa talks about how Mexicans use part of their work time to have fun too. There isn't a clear division between work and non-work time. This is similar to the North American custom of being able to mix golf with business. As to Latin American patterns, as Geraldina Villarreal describes, there are two types of schedules: executives who have a task to perform, independent from the clock, and employees who are paid by the hour and have a set schedule. Rossana Talavera, for example, frequently works until 8:00 or 9:00 o'clock at night. The important lesson for some North Americans is that Latin Americans work hard. Just because a polychronic culture allows for a mixture of activities does not mean that they are not working. The old stereotype of the lazy siesta-napping Latino has no place in actual work patterns.