Preparing For Negotiations With North Americans.

Spanish Executive Opinions

• Jordi Planas
• Fernando Escobar
• Javier Cantera

Key vocabulary related to this topic

Cultural points related to this topic

Jordi Planas
España, Barcelona
"Las diferencias más importantes en la organización de un meeting..."
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Fernando Escobar
España, Barcelona
"Bueno, cuando nosotros negociamos y trabajamos con el mercado norteamericano..."
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Javier Cantera
España, Castilla y León
"Hay una diferencia cultural enorme entre el perfil del negociador americano..."
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adjustar to adjust
agenda (f) agenda
análisis (m) analysis
antelación (f) in advance, beforehand
cambio (m) change
concretar to establish, solidify
detallado (adj) detailed
directivo (m) director
estrategia (f) strategy
exhaustivo (adj) exhaustive
intención (f) intention
intentar to attempt
llamar la atención to call attention to
multinacional (adj) multinational
negociador (m) negotiator
negociar to negotiate
perfil (m) profile
planificación (f) planning
provocar to provoke
retrasar to delay
romper to break off
toma de decisiones (f) decision making
Juan es un poco gordito. Juan is a little chubby.
María es más alta que Susana. María is taller than Susana.
Pepe tiene los ojos claros
y la tez blanca.
Pepe has light colored eyes
and white skin.
Mi tío es bastante peludo, alto y de barba abundante. My uncle is very hairy, tall, and with a full beard.
Mi prima es muy bonita, rubia y de nariz fina. My cousin is pretty, blonde, and has a thin nose.

"Greater degree of organization and preparation" is the way that Jordi Planas describes what it takes to get ready for negotiations with North Americans. However, he also notes that although the North Americans are well prepared, they do not handle unforeseen changes very well. He observes the North Americans would rather close the meeting, go back and reorganize and then continue on with the negotiations. All of this creates a delay in the process. Similar observations to Mr. Planas' are seen repeatedly in these interviews. Javier Cantera calls this the "rigidity" of North Americans versus the "flexibility" of the Europeans. Whether it is true or not does not matter as much as the recognition that this is their perception. It is clearly the perception that North Americans prepare well, but are less adept at improvisation. Fernando Escobar also observes another impressive characteristic of North Americans, their ability to plan ahead. He finds it amazing that you can ask a North American where he will be at 1:00 o'clock in the afternoon of August 15th and he or she will know.