
This is a photo from our bus ride back into downtown Beijing at around 3pm. As you can see, the traffic is never-ending and it was not even during rush-hour yet! We can see how the dense population effects people's daily commute in this environment.


Traffic was a struggle, but

Traffic was a struggle, but having lived in India and then hearing our other MBA stories about traffic on the India global trip, this traffic seems trivial.

I found it very interesting

I found it very interesting to learn about ways the government is trying to combat the traffic problems. Tiger mentioned that you can't drive one day a week and that it is very expensive to get the right to buy a car. It's hard to imagine it could be even worse than this! They still have a big problem on their hands.


I think that the traffic would be the most difficult adjustment as an expat in Beijing. We complain about traffic here, but i had no idea how long it could take to go a few blocks.

clear day

On the other hand, this is an example of an extremely clear day in Beijing.  You can see forever in this pictures.  Nice (and not normal either!).