
This is a photo from the Park Hyatt Yintai Towers in Beijing. The pollution is accentuated by the sunset and the high viewpoint, but it is still far worse than anything I have ever experienced. Their environment is very polluted because their culture has pushed economic development over environmental responsibility for the last 30 years.



The pollution in Beijing was far worse than I imagined and it made me really appreciate the clear air we have in Austin.

That photo turned out really

That photo turned out really nice, but I could never live somewhere with polution that bad.  No running outside, no thanks.


We learned that China is building 2-3 new coal plants per week which is unbelievable!  I too was shocked by the amount of pollution in China and coupled with the amount of smoking made the air quality pretty bad.  I wonder how long it will take China to adopt environmental regulations for air quality and no-smoking policies indoors?