
The color red means good fortune and happiness to Chinese people, so it was interesting to see how much red was used in store signs, lamps, and decor.



The use of red and yellow/gold as a marketing ploy was similar to the way red, white, and blue is used here. For example, I originally thought the Red Bull was fake in China then realized it was due to the different color of the product: a gold can with the text written in red.

I really enjoyed the story

I really enjoyed the story that Tiger told us about how truck drivers tie red ribbons to their vehicles for a safe trip.

Non-verbal - colors

I'm with Casey.  At first, I thought the use of red was for political motivations and national pride.  Now I realize that red is used on their national flag to mean good fortune and yellow is symbolic of earth and the culmination of the elements.


I agree, it was so interesting to see how much red there was throughout the country. To me it has so many political overtones, but it is not meant that way to the Chinese. When I realized that, I was able to appreciate the beauty in it.