
I have noticed that the French do not pick up after their dogs. It's simply not obligatory. Accordingly, the streets (of Paris even) are littered with feces, and to the unassuming tourist, that can be incredibly dangerous. So one can imagine my surprise when I saw this on the beach: a bathroom for dogs, which was essentially a fenced off litter box. In the United States, and in most Western cultures, a separate area for dogs to do their business would be expected, a requirement even. To Americans, picking up after your dog is a civil service in it of itself. Therefore, the idea for a canine restroom isn't quite as ingenious in the States as it is in France. In order to truly appreciate the value of it, one must take a stroll down any French street and see for himself the magnitude of the problem. One must understand first that to the French, leaving behind a dog's feces is a natural part of day-to-day life. And to see someone or someplace stray from such a norm is extremely hard to come by.