Spanish Tasks Austin Police Department
Traffic Stops - General, DWI, Officer Safety Techniques

Scenario 3

Traffic Stop: General, speeding violation
Get general information, explain speeding violation.

Example 2: Héctor Arredondo

- Good morning ma'am, may I see your driver's license and insurance?- ¿Habla español?- Sí señora, ¿su licencia de manejar y papeles de seguranza por favor?- Señora, este, la razón que la paré es porque iba corriendo arriba del límite del speed limit. Iba corriendo 45 millas por hora cuando el speed limit es 35. Va a recibir un ticket por eso, ¿hein? ¿Todo está correcto en su licencia de manejar?- Sí.- ¿Qué año es el carro? ¿Sabe qué año es el carro?- 98.- 98, OK. Bueno, un momento, ¿hein?

- Good morning ma'am, may I see your driver's license and insurance? - Do you speak Spanish? - Yes ma'am, your driver's license and insurance papers please. Ma'am, um, the reason that I stopped you is because you were going above the speed limit. You were going 45 miles per hour when the speed limit is 35. You are going to receive a ticket for this, right? Is everything correct on your driver's license? - Yes. - What year is the car? - 98. - 98, OK. Well, just a moment, all right?