Spanish Tasks Austin Police Department
Traffic Stops - General, DWI, Officer Safety Techniques

Scenario 5

Traffic Stop: General, failure to stop
Get general information, explain failure to stop violation.

Example 2: Héctor Arredondo

- Good morning ma'am, may I see your driver's license and insurance.- No hablo inglés. ¿Hablas español?- Sí señora, puedo ver su licencia de manejar y los papeles de seguranza por favor.- Sí, aquí está mi licencia y aquí está la seguranza.- Señora, le voy a decir que la paré porque no se pararon en alto, el doble que dice alto allá atrás. Por eso la paré. Va a recibir un ticket por eso en este momento. ¿Todo está bien en su licencia de manejar?- Sí.- OK, espere un momento y ahorita regreso.

- Good morning ma'am, may I see your driver's license and insurance. - I don't speak English. Do you speak Spanish? - Yes ma'am, may I see your driver's license and insurance please. - Yes, here is my license and here is the insurance. - Ma'am, I'm letting you know that I stopped you because you didn't stop and the sign, the stop sign back there? That is why I stopped you. You will receive a ticket for this at this time. Is everything fine on your driver's license? - Yes. - OK, wait a minute and I'll be right back.