Spanish Tasks Austin Police Department
Traffic Stops - General, DWI, Officer Safety Techniques

Scenario 6

Traffic Stop: General, explain action - citation
Get general information, explain violation, give citation

Example 2: Héctor Arredondo

- Señorita, este es el ticket que le dije que iba a escribir. Y tiene hasta el 19 de este mes para contestar el ticket. Necesito su firma aquí y este, no más que firme y le explico como usted este..., puede ir a la corte municipal de la ciudad de Austin y la dirección está en la copia que le voy a dar a usted. Todo está escrito aquí y si no comprende algo, puede llamar a este número acá abajo y le pueden explicar todo, la multa y cuánto que tiene que pagar o puede ir a un curso de defenza si es lo que desea hacer usted.- Está bien.- ¿Tiene más preguntas?- No, es todo gracias.- Tiene mucho cuidado.- Perdón por todo.

- Ma'am, this is the ticket that I told you that I was going to write. And you have until the 19th of this month to answer for this ticket. I need your signature here and so just sign and explain how you, that is... You can go to municipal court of the city of Austin and the address is here on the copy that I will give to you. Everything is written here and if there is something that you don't understand, you can call this number below and they can explain it all to you, the fine, and how much you have to pay or you can go to the defensive driving class if that is what you want to do. - That is fine. - Do you have any more questions? - No, that is all thank you. - Be very careful. - Sorry for everything.