d. ll > ch, lh, l

Spanish Portuguese
 llamar  chamar
llano chão
llave chave
llegar chegar
lleno cheio
llorar chorar
llover chover
billete bilhete
fallar falhar
milla milha
millón milhão
toalla toalha
allí ali
amarillo amarelo
bello belo
caballo cavalo
cabello cabelo
callar calar
ella ela
fallecer falecer
gallina galinha
llevar levar
villa vila




It might look confusing to see one Spanish pattern and three different Portuguese possibilities. Historically, however, the Spanish /ll/ developed from three different Latin sources (/pl/, /kl/ consonant clusters, the yod and Latin double /ll/). Portuguese maintained three distinct patterns instead of merging them into one sound.

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