A Declaration against Vorstius

King James I of England

Part 1

The Burning of Vorstius' books

But before wee had received this answere from the States, some of Vorstius books were brought over into England, and (as it was reported) not without the knowledge and direction of the Authour. And about the same time one Bertius, a scholler of the late Arminius, (who was the first in our age that infected Leyden with Heresie) was so impudent, as to send a Letter unto the Archbishop of Canterbury, with a booke intituled, De Apostasia Sanctorum. And not thinking it sufficient to avow the sending of such a booke, (the title whereof onely, were enough to make it worthy the fire) hee was moreover so shamelesse, as to maintaine in his Letter to the Archbishop, that the doctrine conteined in his booke, was agreeable with the doctrine of the Church of England. Let the Church of Christ then judge, whether it was not high time for us to bestirre our selves, when as this Gangrene had not onely taken holde amongst our neerest heighbours; so as Non solum paries proximus iam ardebat: not onely the next house was on fire, but did also begin to creepe into the bowels of our owne Kingdome; For which cause having first given order, that the said bookes of Vorstius should be publikely burnt, as well in Pauls Church-yard, as in both the Universities of this Kingdome, wee thought good to renew our former request unto the States, for the banishment of Vorstius, by a Letter which wee caused our Ambassadour to deliver unto them from us at their Assembly in the Hage, the fifth of November, whereunto they had referred us in their former answere, the tenor of which Letter was as followeth:

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