Carlos M.: Spanish
Puerto Rico, San Juan

Yo soy original de Puerto Rico. Nací en San Juan de Puerto Rico. Estuve allá en la escuela hasta que terminé la...el "high school", o sea 12 años de escuela. A los 17 años, una vez que me gradué del "high school", me fui a Estados Unidos a Massachusetts, e hice... estuve estudiando Ingeniería Industrial. Estuve por allá como cinco años en la universidad. De allí me fui a trabajar al estado de New Jersey. Trabajé con una compañía de Químicos y Productos Industriales. Estuve con ellos en New Jersey aproximadamente un año y medio, y de allí me fui a México. Me ofrecieron un trabajo en México. Estuve por allá como 3 años en la Ciudad de México. Y de allí, ya terminando eso decidí venir hacer la Maestría acá en UT, y pues... desde el año pasado estoy aquí en Texas.

Carlos M.: English
Puerto Rico, San Juan

I am originally from Puerto Rico. I was born in San Juan de Puerto Rico. I was there in school until I finished high school, that is 12 years of school. When I was 17, when I graduated from high school I came to the United States to Massachusetts and there I studied industrial engineering. I was there at the university for five years. From there I went to work in New Jersey. I worked at an industrial chemical and products company. I was with them in New Jersey for about a year and a half and from there I went to Mexico. They offered me a job in Mexico. I was there for like three years in Mexico City. And from there, having finished that, I decided to get my Master's degree here at UT, and well, since last year I have been here in Texas.