Exam 1B: ECO361N Fall 07--Name______________________

1. What three factors determine the quality of a computer monitor?





2. Briefly discuss: Our eyes are digital and our ears are analog.






3. What is the important property of a transistor lacking in a diode.






4.  What is a byte?  How many colors can you represent with a byte?






5. What is an artificial neural network?






6. How far from the center of the earth and in what orbit do you place a satellite such that it appears stationary with respect to the earth? Is such a satellite good for long distance communication.













7. What is ShannonÕs measure of information and how does that relate to the meaning of the message.  Briefly discuss: You must communication all the information in a message to communicate its meaning?











8 Briefly point out six facts about the evolution of institutions promoting discovery, invention, and innovation since 1790.















9. Why use binary numbers instead of decimal in information technology?  What phenomenon can be represented by binary numbers.  What is the economic advantage of being able to represent many as opposed to one phenomenon.















10.  How did the Japanese compete in the IC memory market in the  80s? How did the US respond? What was the role of Sematech? What type of IC does the US specialize in?  What type of IC does Japan specialize in?  Who did a number on Japan in this type of IC? Who sells the most ICs today.
















11. What sense does man use the most?    Use MooreÕs law to discuss the evolution of hardware and software to provide man with what he wants using personal computers as an example. Start with grade school.














12. Discuss the deregulation of communication over the past twenty years. Has competition increased in the (1) long distance market (2) local market (you can use Austin as an example)









Name _________________________________________

14.Research question II Automation

1. To what extent is the production of computers automated today--consider 2 firms?

2. To what extent is Boeing's production of the dreamliner more automated than previous aircraft. Also, what is unique about this aircraft.?

3. To what extent have integrated circuit manufacturers been able to remove people from the production process and why would they want to do this?

4. Why are GM, Ford, and Chrysler failing to compete.  Look at medical and retirement costs as well as automation.?