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Preparation for Exam 2

Exam is Tueday, Nov 23 in class. Exam will start at 8am and end at 9:18. The makeup exam for exam 2 is the final.

Read: Macro paperback:  Ch 11,12,18,20, and 21. Read 18 very carefully.

Remember that exam will have similar format to first exam except:

Definitions: 20 points You will be asked 8-12 multiple choice questions on the following concepts:

2. Math and Policy 40 points

3. Different schools of Macroeconomics: (20 points) Be able to discuss the complete cycle of macro policy: What do the various camps believe and what are their policy perscriptions. Why do critics take their position.

The three schools that I want you to understand clearly are the classical monetarists, Keynesians, and Supply Siders. To understand Lucas you need more math. If you go on in eocnomics you will do neocliassical macoeconomics. To understand the differences between the 3 schools you should be able to match the following with the 3 schools:

You will have a subset of the above plus the following question: what is Greenspan's problem currently. What would you advise him to do from now until the election.



4. Current Events: 20 points: Summary of the presentations.

You will be required to write a page covering three of the 10 topics. You will have no choice.

Reports from contest S00, F99 and earlier.

1. International Agencies: International Monetary Fund, World Bank, and G7. What do these agencies do and do they actually help or do they make matters worse? Do they have resources to stop an international depression?

2. Military: Assume Presidents in the foreseeable future will be faced with police actions in third world countries.The military was set up to fight a land war in Europe against the Soviet Union. The Abrams tank is a great tank, but it is so large only one can be placed a a plane to be flown to a hot spot. How should the military be restructured to respond quickly to 3rd world crises? Remember it took 6 months to build up military forces for the gulf war?

3. Welfare: Welfare has been shifted to the states with the federal government setting the programs that the states must follow. What is the new welfare system. How well has Wisconsin done with its welfare program. Are all unemployed people employable? If not what should we do? What about poor children?

4.. Social Security: Why will the retirement of the baby boom create a crisis in the social security system. How difficult this crisis will be to overcome is directly related to the growth rate of GDP. Give some scenarios of the range of possibilities.

5. Medicine: What is the similarities and differences between Medicaid and Medicare? Which has political support and why? What will happen to Medicare expenses when the baby boom retires. What are states doing to reduce their Medicaid expenditures. How many Americans do not have medical insurance of any kind. What should be done about this?

6. What is Nafta. What is the purpose of the 60% content clause? How does and will Nafta affect Texas. Does Nafta have any affect on Canada?

7. What is the problem with primary and secondary education in the US. What is been done about it. What is your prognosis?

8. What is the Euro. Which country now controls monetary policy? (Careful!!!) What is the effect on Europe and the world. Who did not join and why?

9. How much do jails cost relative to primary and secondary education. Do we get our money's worth from jails. In $ value who commits the most crime blue collar or white collar. Who does the public fear the most. What is your policy? Point: in our high tech economy if you do not have a good education you are virtually unemployable except in criminal activities. It costs more to keep a prisoner one year in jail than to send him or her to Harvard. Also, going to prison is like going to grad school for criminals.

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Fri: 5 Nov 99