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Grading Policy

I want students to be happy and productive. Most of you were smart enough in high school to do well by simply studying the night before an exam. Most of you need to go more in this class if you expect to pass. Remember most of you are only in class 12 hours a week. If you studied 28 hours a week that would be a like 40 hour a week job. You would earn goods grades and could go out every night. Please try to get some balance in your life so that you are having a great time while earning good grades.


Steady Workers

There are several ways to earn a grade. One route is to earn the grade that you want on the first two exams, the quizzes and the contest. If you take this route you will be finished the course the end of April. Your grade will be based on two hour exams(100 points each), six quizzes (10 points each--sample questions are on the WEB). If you take this route there are trophies for the 1st, 2nd, and 3rd place finishers. Your grade is based on the following:

A 90+ average
B 80+ average
C 70+ average
D 60+ average
F 59- average

If after the second exam you are happy with your grade, you can walk the final. If you earn 100 points on the first exam plus first project, you are finished with the course with an A.

Free Spirits

Some students need a challenge to get motivated. Between the first and second exam there will be a contest. Students will be divided into groups of 7-10. Each group will enter a proposal for the contest. If your proposal is selected among the 8 chosen, they your group will make a 15 minute presentation on stage. The prizes for this contest:

Suppose you have a 75 on the first exam and earn 2nd place. You must take the second exam and if you earn more than 65 you have a B in the course. Of course, if you earn over 85, you have an A in the course, assuming you did reasonably well on the quizzes.

Leadership Awards

The leadership awards are based on the following criteria: The average score of your group (minus any bonus points from the contest) at the end of the second exam. The prizes are:

Party animals

Some students take a while to get their acts together in college and adjust to what is demanded of them. If you fail the first exam, you will probably go for the second route to the grade you want which is your grade on the final. You should move up on each quiz and exam so that you are in a position to make a heroic effort on the final. Yes, students in past courses have gone from an F to an A. If you have a B(C) going into the final and are trying for an A, you can not lose your B(C). Your grade is the better of all material up to the final or the final by itself.

A 90+
B 80+
C 70+

The points you earned in the contest do not count on the final.
Tue: 17 Jan 00