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The community should become the local point of life. In order to promote community, the governance of large metropolitan regions would be partitioned into two levels. A metropolitan government would provide the basic services such as water for which there are economies of scale. The lower level of government would be the community government which is an expanded neighborhood association. On land under the direct control of the metro government are the major roads, large businesses, major shopping centers, the central business districts and major office parks. The land use under the metropolitan government is based on economic values with some zoning.

Residential areas are under the direct control of communities. The function of the community government is to support the lifestyle of the majority of the community with control over:

a. Internal zoning and transportation

b. All activities external to residences

These controls place the majority of the community in possible conflict with subgroups which disagree with the majorities decisions. To resolve this conflict the community would have the following limits:

a. Buyer not seller decides who buys.

b. Unlimited access to social nervous system

c. Home is castle

Community could have market oriented land use or the community could have implement a noneconomic system of values. The community provides local activities such as sports, crafts, and a local market. These local activities could be provided directly by the community government, private associations, or through service firms.
Thu Jun 8 16:37:44 CDT 1995