Wave III Education Data Users’ Guides

The Curriculum component of AHAA provides fine-grained indicators of probable curriculum exposure in math and science courses taken by AHAA participants. The textbook coding is based on curriculum frameworks developed for the Third International Math and Science Study (TIMSS) and is used to create summary measures for the topics covered (content) and the types of tasks students are asked to do with specific topical information (performance expectations). These indicators are based on detailed coding of textbooks schools reported using in each course in these two subjects. These measures can be linked to students’ academic performance, attainment, and to their health-related attitudes and behaviors as reported in the Add Health surveys. Because these curriculum measures were created independent of course titles and school catalog descriptions, comparisons can be made of curricular content and quality across students’ courses in math and/or science for a given year or overall during high school.

Users’ Guides and Associated Data Files

Course-Level Curriculum Component: Math and Science Textbook Study, 2008
edutmcl: This data file contains course-level math curriculum indicators.
edutscl: This data files contains course-level science curriculum indicators.

Course-Level Curriculum (Imputed) Component: Math and Science Textbook Study, 2008
edutmcli: This data file contains course-level (imputed) math curriculum indicators.
edutscli: This data files contains course-level (imputed) science curriculum indicators.

Student-Level Curriculum Component: Math and Science Textbook Study, 2007
edutmsum: This data file contains student-level summary indicators of math curriculum.
edutssum: This data file contains student-level summary indicators of science curriculum.