Primary Data
Wave III Education Data Users’ Guides

The primary or raw data indicators are based on information collected from participating schools, and listed directly on student transcripts. One grouping of primary measures conveys comprehensive information about the specific materials gathered from schools during the data collection process. Analysts can examine these measures to determine which and how many data collection instruments were submitted by each school for AHAA. Student-level disposition variables were also produced to enable assessment of the availability of data for each Add Health/AHAA student. A third set of primary indicators concern school characteristics as ascertained from School Information Forms (SIFs) completed by school administrators. The final grouping of primary or raw data indicators relate to pertinent items recorded on student transcripts such as details about student high school exit status, last school attended, and standardized test information (which is available for only a very limited number of students).

Users’ Guides and Associated Data Files

Primary Codebook, 2008
edusch: This school-level disposition data file contains all schools last attended by respondents plus the original Add Health feeder schools.
edusif: This data file contains information reported on completed SIFs for schools with high school grade levels (9th-12th).
edustd1 and edustd2: These student-level disposition data files contain information for respondents with a last-school-attended identification number.
edudiplo: This data file contains information related to the types of diplomas schools offered and the credits students needed to earn in each core academic subject in order to receive these diplomas.
edutest: This is a standardized test data file for respondents whose transcripts recorded college entrance exam information.
edugrad: This is a student exit/graduation status data file for students for whom this data was available.