Law and Democracy in Latin America

«Making Democracy Work

Smulovitz and Peruzzotti Study Questions

  1. How would you define Societal Accountability (SA)?
  2. How does SA relate to Horizontal and Vertical Accountability (HA and VA)?
  3. What are the three main tools they can use?
  4. What power do they have?
  5. What (4) kinds of effects can they have?
  6. Does SA assume/require some basic level of democracy?
  7. On the other hand, is it necessary when democracy is working perfectly? (i.e., is it necessary when HA and VA are working well?)
  8. What are these two case studies?
  9. Who started the process of SA in those cases?
  10. What mechanisms did they use?
  11. What effects did they produce?
  12. In particular, did these two events trigger more permanent institutional arrangements?