Cultural Case Studies between American and Brazilian Professionals
Chapter 2: World Ship
American Executives Brazilian Executives
Terry Kahler (English/Inglês)
"World Ship is a very classic example of a culture clash..."
André Medeiros (Portuguese/Português)
"Bom, esse caso é interessante porque no Brasil..."
Paul Cluff (English/Inglês)
"World Ship was an interesting case and I had personal..."
Senichiro Koshio (Portuguese/Português)
"Eu tive uma experiência de ser gerente de relacionamento..."
Walter T. Atkinson (English/Inglês)
"World Ship was a very interesting case study, mainly because having been..."
João Worcman (Portuguese/Português)
"A World Ship no Brasil vinha tendo um sucesso..."
Click on company name on the top gray title bar to see a list of the executives.
Click on the thumbnail picture or the executive's name to listen to the video clip.