A Table of the Springs of Action

Jeremy Bentham

—of Power, Influence, Authority, Dominion, Governance, Government,
Command, Rule, Sway, &c.;—of Governing, Commanding, Ruling, &c.
Corresponding Interest, Interest of the SCEPTRE.
Corresponding MOTIVES—with Names,

 —I. Neutral: viz.

1. Ambition.
2. Aspiringness.


3. Desire, &c. as per No. IV. Col. 1 of power, &c. as above: of promotion, preferment, advancement; of exaltation, aggrandisement, ascendancy, preponderancy, superiority,; of raising in the world, &c.

 —II. Eulogistic:

Single-worded, none.


1. Honest, becoming, praiseworthy, laudable, honourable, generous, noble, virtuous—ambition.

—III. Dyslogistic: viz.

1. Ambition.
2. Love, appetite, craving, hankering, eagerness, greediness, thirst, lust, rage, passion—for power, &c. (as per Col 1.)
3. Spirit of faction, turbulence, intrigue.

4. Self-regarding or dissocial moral qualities, liable to be manifested in the exercise of power, and productive of the abuse of it;—and wont to be spoken of in the character of MOTIVES.
   1) Tyranny.
   2) Tyrannicalness.
   3) Despotism.
   4) Despoticalness.
   5) Arbitrariness.
   6) Imperiousness.
   7) Dictatorialness.
   8) Domineeringness.
   9) Magisterialness.
And see No. VIII. Col. 4.

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A Table of the Springs of Action, Intro and Table of Contents