Tex's French Grammar
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simple future: regular
page: taf2
1. formation
  2. uses

The 'simple' future (le futur) is so-named because it is a one-word tense. In other words, its formation is simple because there is no auxiliary.

The endings for the simple future are: -ai, -as, -a, -ons, -ez, -ont. The future stem for -er and -ir verbs is the infinitive. For regular -re verbs, the stem is the infinitive minus the final e. In all cases, the future stem ends in -r: this sound characterizes the future and the conditional.The French simple future tense is generally translated into English with the modal auxiliary 'will.'

Listen carefully to the future conjugation of regular -er verbs, where the e of the infinitive changes in pronunciation.

nager  'to swim'
je nagerai, I will swim nous nagerons, we will swim
tu nageras, you will swim vous nagerez, you will swim
il, elle / on nagera,
he, she (it) / one will swim
ils / elles nageront, they will swim

Some -er verbs with spelling changes in the present form their future regularly, that is, their future stem is the infinitive. These include verbs like préférer (je préférerai), manger (je mangerai) and commencer (je commencerai). Other -er verbs with spelling changes in the present (appeler, employer, acheter) have irregular future stems.

réfléchir  'to think'
je réfléchirai, I will think nous réfléchirons, we will think
tu réfléchiras, you will think vous réfléchirez, you will think
il, elle / on réfléchira, he, she (it) / one will think ils / elles réfléchiront, they will think

rendre  'to give back'
je rendrai, I will give back nous rendrons, we will give back
tu rendras, you will give back vous rendrez, you will give back
il, elle / on rendra, he, she (it) / one will give back ils / elles rendront, they will give back

Many verbs which are irregular in the present tense have regular formations in the future. Their future stems are the infinitive or the infinitive minus the final e. Such verbs include sortir (je sortirai), partir (je partirai), dormir (je dormirai), boire (je boirai), dire (je dirai), écrire (j'écrirai), lire (je lirai), mettre (je mettrai), prendre (je prendrai), and suivre (je suivrai).

The simple future is used to refer to future events, that is, to make predictions. It is more formal than the immediate future, although both tenses may be used in most contexts. For further details, see future: usage.

nous prendrons le concorde a paris ...
Tammy imagine sa lune de miel avec Tex.   Tammy imagines her honeymoon with Tex.
Tammy: Nous prendrons le Concorde à Paris, bien sûr. On restera dans un hôtel trois étoiles et nous mangerons dans des restaurants chics. Nous flânerons au long des Champs-Elysées bras dessus, bras dessous et tu m'offriras du parfum et des fleurs. La nuit nous descendrons la Seine en bateau mouche. Ah, la vie conjugale, un paradis terrestre.   Tammy: We will take the Concorde to Paris, of course. We will stay in a three-star hotel and we will eat in chic restaurants. We will stroll along the Champs-Elysées arm in arm and you will give me perfume and flowers. At night we will go down the Seine on a sightseeing boat. Ah, married life, paradise on earth.


fill in the blanks
Give the futur simple of the verb indicated in parentheses.
1. Tex et Tammy ______ ensemble. (partir)

2. Tammy ______ ses études. (finir)

3. Tammy: J' ______ un livre. (écrire)

4. Tammy: Je ______ les habitudes de Tex. (comprendre)

5. Tammy: Tex et moi, nous ______ beaucoup. (voyager)

6. Tex: Mes neveux, vous ______ la philosophie! (aimer)

7. Tammy: Tex, tu ______ la table, n'est-ce pas? (mettre)

8. Tammy ______ sans cesse. (chanter)

9. Joe-Bob ______ des cours faciles. (suivre)

10. Tex: Bette, est-ce que tu ______ Tammy? (respecter)

11. Joe-Bob ______ pendant quatre jours. (dormir)

12. Tammy et Bette ______ . (se téléphoner)

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