French Verbs Are Accessible

Present Tense-

Regular I R Verbs-

We will now learn to conjugate in French several verbs whose infinitives end with the letters i r. Some examples are: finir, choisir, réussir, obéir, réfléchir, and bâtir. In English these verbs mean: to finish, to choose, to succeed, to obey, to think and to build. But what if we want to say or write, I finish, we think, or you choose? This can be done quite easily in French. Note the following examples: je finis, tu choisis, elle réussit, nous obéissons, vous réfléchissez and ils bâtissent. Je choisis may be translated into English in the following ways: I choose, I do choose, I am choosing.

We have already learned that when conjugating a French verb, we always use subject pronouns to clarify who is performing this action: je, tu, il, elle, on, nous, vous, ils and elles are the subject pronouns we use in French.

Here they are in a chart.

Subject Pronouns- English Translation-
Je I
Tu you (familiar form)
Il, elle, on he, she, one
Nous we
Vous you
Ils they (masculine)
Elles they (feminine)

Here are the i r verb endings that correspond to each French subject pronoun.

Subject Pronouns- I R Verb Endings-
Je I S
Tu I S
Il, elle, on I T
Nous I S S O N S
Vous I S S E Z
Ils, elles I S S E N T

Please note that all of the singular endings sound alike, and that the letters e n t in the third-person plural ending are always silent.

Here is the conjugation of choisir, a commonly used i r verb.

Subject Pronouns- Conjugation of choisir-
Je choisIS
Tu choisIS
Il, elle, on choisIT
Nous choisISSONS
Vous choisISSEZ
Ils, elles choisISSENT