Bibliography: Work on Kinyarwanda

Furere, R. and A. Rialland (1985). Tons et accents en kinyarwanda. In D. Goyvaerts (ed.) African Linguistics. John Benjamins, Amsterdam. 99-166.

Jouannet, F. (ed.)(1989). Modèles en tonologie (Kirundi et Kinyarwanda). Éditions du Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique, Paris.

Kimenyi, A. (1978). Grammatical tone neutralization in Kinyarwanda. Studies in African Linguistics 9. 303-317.

Kimenyi, A. (1979). Studies in Kinyarwanda and Bantu Phonology. Linguistic Research Inc., Carbondale.

Kimenyi, A. (1980). A Relational Grammar of Kinyarwanda. University of California Press, Berkeley.

Kimenyi, A. (2002). A Tonal Grammar of Kinyarwanda - An Autosegmental and Metrical Analysis. Edwin Mellen Press, Lewiston, N.Y.

Myers, S. (2003). F0 timing in Kinyarwanda. Phonetica 60. 71-97.

Myers, S. (2005). Vowel duration and neutralization of vowel length contrasts in Kinyarwanda. Journal of Phonetics 33. 427-446.

Overdulve, C. M. (1975). Apprendre la langue rwanda. Mouton, The Hague.

Schumacher, P. (1954). Dictionnaire Phonétique: Français-Runyarwanda, Runyarwanda-Fran¨ais. Vicariat Apostolique de Kabgayi, Kabgayi.

Sibomana, L. (1974). Deskriptive Tonologie des Kinyarwanda. Helmut Buske Verlag, Hamburg.

Walker, R., D. Byrd, and F. Mpiranya (2008). An articulatory view of Kinyarwanda coronal harmony. Phonology 25. 499-535.

Walli-Sagey, E. (1986). On the representation of complex segments and their formation in Kinyarwanda. In L. Wetzels and E. Sezer (eds.) Studies in Compensatory Lengthening. Foris, Dordrecht. 251-295.