A Table of the Springs of Action

Jeremy Bentham

—of the Religious Sanction.
Corresponding Interest, Interest of the ALTAR.
Corresponding MOTIVES—with Names,

 —I. Neutral: viz.

1. Religion.
2. Religiousness.


3. Sense of religious duty.
4. Religious zeal, fervour, ardour.


5. Fear of God.
6. Hope from God.
7. Love of God.

 —II. Eulogistic:

1. Piety.
2. Devotion.
3. Devoutness
4. Godliness.
5. Holiness.
6. Sanctity.
7. Righteousness.


8. Pious, godly, holy, sacred—&c. zeal, fervour, ardour, &c.

—III. Dyslogistic: viz.

1. Superstition.
2. Bigotry.


3. Enthusiasm.
4. Fanaticism.


5. Sanctimoniousness.
6. Hypocrisy.
7. Affectation of, pretension to—religion, &c.

—piety, &c.—as above, Col. 2.
8. Religious prejudice.
9. Religious frenzy.
10. Religious intolerance.

[Back to:] Table Entry VIII  Pleasures and Pains of the Moral or Popular Sanction.
[Forward to:] Table Entry X  Pleasures and Pains of Sympathy.
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A Table of the Springs of Action, Intro and Table of Contents