Welcome to the 2009 Africa Conference at the University of Texas at Austin
This year's theme is Science, Technology and Environment, and it is our 9th annual African conference at the University of Texas, Austin. We are extremely excited to see if this year's can live up to the success of the previous eight conferences. The abstracts that we have received are impressive and we expect additional ones.
Science, Technology, and Environment remain a vital components of the daily lives for most peoples across the globe, and Africans are no different. The submitted abstracts look quite interesting, and the panels will reflect the diverse and expansive effects popular cultures have made throughout Africa. This year's conference will bring together distinguished scholars from various disciplines, countries and backgrounds. I anticipate lively and thought-provoking discussions to occur during the conference.
Toyin Falola
Fellow of the Nigerian Academy of Letters
The Frances Higginbotham Nalle Centennial Professor
University Distinguished Teaching Professor