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November 2022

G-FOL publishes new frames: Body descriptions, Thinking: Certainty, and Vehicle

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August 2022

Hans C. Boas and Maggie Hudson Gemmell present at the 17th. International Conference of German Teachers in Vienna, Austria: Guten Tag! Hallo! Moinsen! Servus!

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June 2022

G-FOL publishes new frame: Body parts.


Relevant publications by German FrameNet staff

Bertoldi, Anderson, Chishman, Rove, and Hans C. Boas. 2010. Os verbos de julgamento em inglês e português: o que a análise contrastive pode dizer sobre a Semântica de Frames ("Verbs of judgment in English and Portuguese: What contrastive analysis can say about Frame Semantics"). Calidoscópio 8(3), 210-225. [ PDF ]

Boas, Hans C. 2001. Frame Semantics as a Framework for describing Polysemy and Syntactic Structures of English and German Motion Verbs in Contrastive Computational Lexicography. In Rayson, P., A. Wilson, T. McEnery, A. Hardie, and S. Khoja (eds.), Proceedings of Corpus Linguistics 2001, 64-73. [ PDF ]

Boas, Hans C. 2002. Bilingual FrameNet Dictionaries for Machine Translation. In González Rodríguez, M., and C. Paz Suárez Araujo (eds.), Proceedings of the Third International Conference on Language Resources and Evaluation. Las Palmas, Spain. Vol. IV, 1364 - 1371. [ PDF ]

Boas, Hans C. 2005a. Semantic Frames as Interlingual Representations for Multilingual Lexical Databases. International Journal of Lexicography, 18, 445-478. [ PDF ]

Boas, Hans C. 2005b. From Theory to Practice: Frame Semantics and the Design of FrameNet. In Langer, S. and D. Schnorbusch (eds.), Semantisches Wissen im Lexikon, 129-160. Tübingen: Narr. [ PDF ]

Boas, Hans C. 2006. A frame-semantic approach to identifying syntactically relevant elements of meaning. In Steiner, P., Boas H.C., and S. Schierholz (eds.), Contrastive Studies and Valency. Studies in Honor of Hans Ulrich Boas, 119-149. Frankfurt/New York. [ PDF ]

Boas, Hans C. 2008. Towards a Frame-constructional Approach to Verb Classification. Revista Canaria Estudios Ingleses 57, 17-47. [ PDF ]

Boas, Hans C. (ed.). 2009a. Multilingual FrameNets in Computational Lexicography: Methods and Applications. Berlin: Mouton de Gruyter. pp. x+352. [ LINK ]

Boas, Hans C. 2009b. Semantic Frames as Interlingual Representations for Multilingual Lexical Databases. In Boas, Hans C. (ed.), Multilingual FrameNets in Computational Lexicography: Methods and Applications, 59-99. Berlin: Mouton de Gruyter. [ PDF ]

Boas, Hans C. 2009b. Recent Trends in Multilingual Computational Lexicography. In Boas, Hans C. (ed.), Multilingual FrameNets in Computational Lexicography: Methods and Applications, 1-34. Berlin: Mouton de Gruyter. [ PDF ]

Boas, Hans C. (ed.). 2010a. Contrastive Studies in Construction Grammar. Amsterdam/Philadelphia: John Benjamins. pp. vii + 244. [ LINK ]

Boas, Hans C. 2010b. Comparing constructions across languages. In Boas, H.C. (ed.), Contrastive Studies in Construction Grammar, 1-20. Amsterdam/Philadelphia: John Benjamins. [ PDF ]

Boas, Hans C. 2011. Constructing parallel lexicon fragments based on English FrameNet entries: Semantic and syntactic issues. In H. Hedeland, T. Schmidt, and K. Woerner (eds.), Multilingual Resources and Multilingual Applications. Proceedings of the German Society for Computational Linguistics and Language Technology (GSCL) 2011, Hamburg. University of Hamburg: Center for Language Corpora. 9-18. [ PDF ]

Boas, Hans C. 2013. Frame Semantics and translation. In A. Rojo and I. Ibarretxte-Antunano (eds.), Cognitive Linguistics and Translation, 125-158. Berlin/New York: Mouton de Gruyter. [ PDF ]

Boas, Hans C. 2013. Wie viel Wissen steckt in Wörterbüchern? Eine frame-semantische Perspektive. ('How much knowledge is in dictionaries? A frame-semantic perspective'). Zeitschrift für Angewandte Linguistik 57, 75-97. [PDF ]

Boas, Hans C. 2014: Zur Architektur einer konstruktionsbasierten Grammatik des Deutschen. In Lasch, Alexander & Ziem, Alexander (eds.): Grammatik als Netzwerk von Konstruktionen. Sprachwissen im Fokus der Konstruktionsgrammatik (= Sprache und Wissen 15), 37-63. Berlin: de Gruyter. [ PDF ]

Boas, Hans C. 2014. Lexical and phrasal approaches to argument structure: Two sides of the same coin. Theoretical Linguistics 40(1-2), 89-112. [ PDF ]

Boas, Hans C. 2016. Frames and constructions for the study of oral poetics. In M. Antovic and C. Pagan Canovas (eds.), Oral Poetics and Cognitive Science, 99-124. Berlin/Boston: de Gruyter. [ PDF ]

Boas, Hans C. 2017. Computational Resources: FrameNet and Constructicon. In B. Dancygier (ed.), The Cambridge Handbook of Cognitive Linguistics, 549-573. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.[ PDF ]

Boas, Hans C. 2018. Zur Klassifizierung von Konstruktionen zwischen ‘Lexikon’ und ‘Grammatik.’ In S. Engelberg, H. Lobin, K. Steyer, and S. Wolfer (eds.), Wortschätze. Dynamik, Muster, Komplexität, 33–50. Berlin/Boston: De Gruyter. [ PDF ]

Boas, Hans C. 2019. Zur methodologischen Grundlage der empirischen Konstruktikographie. In D. Czicza, V. Dekalo, and G. Diewald (eds.), Konstruktionsgrammatik VI. Varianz in der konstruktionalen Schematizität, 237-263. Tübingen: Stauffenburg. [ PDF ]

Boas, Hans C. 2020. A roadmap for determining the universal status of semantic frames. In R. Enghels, B. Defrancq, and M. Jansegers (eds.), New Approaches to Contrastive Linguistics, 21-52. Berlin/Boston: De Gruyter. [ PDF ]

Boas, Hans C. 2021. Construction Grammar and Frame Semantics. In X. Wen and R.J. Taylor (eds.), The Routledge Handbook of Cognitive Linguistics, 43-77. New York/London: Routledge. [ PDF ]

Boas, Hans C. (ed.) 2022a. Directions for Pedagogical Construction Grammar. Learning and Teaching (with) Constructions. Berlin/Boston: De Gruyter. pp. x+365. [ LINK ]

Boas, Hans C. 2022b. From Construction Grammar(s) to Pedagogical Construction Grammar. In H.C. Boas (ed.), Directions for Pedagogical Construction Grammar. Learning and Teaching (with) Constructions, 3-43. Berlin/Boston: De Gruyter. [ PDF ]

Boas, Hans C. and Ryan Dux. 2013. "Semantic frames for foreign-language education: Towards a German frame-based dictionary." Veridas On-Line 1/2013, 81-100. [ PDF ]

Boas, Hans C. and Ryan Dux. 2017. From the past into the present: From case frames to semantic frames. Linguistics Vanguard 2017, 1–14. DOI: 10.1515/lingvan-2016-0003. [ PDF ]

Boas, Hans C., Dux, Ryan, and Alexander Ziem. 2016. Frames and Constructions in a German-English online learner's dictionary. In De Knop, Sabine / Gilquin, Gaëtanelle (eds.): Pedagogical Construction Grammar, 303-326. Berlin/New York: Mouton de Gruyter. [ PDF ]

Boas, Hans C., Lyngfelt, Benjamin, and Tiago Timponi Torrent. 2019. Framing Constructicography. Lexicographica 35.1, 41-95. [ PDF ]

Boas, Hans C. and Alexander Ziem. 2018. Approaching German syntax from a constructionist perspective. In Boas, H.C. & A. Ziem (eds.), Constructional Approaches to Syntactic Structures in German, 1–46. Berlin/Boston: De Gruyter Mouton. [ PDF ]

Dux, Ryan. 2016. A usage-based approach to verb classes in English and German. Ph.D. dissertation, The University of Texas at Austin. [ PDF ]

Dux, Ryan. 2018. Frames, verbs, and constructions: German constructions with verbs of stealing. In H.C. Boas & A. Ziem (eds.), Constructional Approaches to Argument Structure in German, 367-405. Berlin/Boston: Mouton de Gruyter. [ PDF ]

Dux, Ryan. 2020. Frame-constructional verb classes: Change and theft verbs in English and German. Amsterdam/Philadelphia: John Benjamins. [ PDF ]

Gemmell, Maggie. 2015. Semantic role alignment in metaphor: A frame semantic approach to metaphoric meaning. Ph.D. dissertation, The University of Texas at Austin. [ PDF ]

Gemmell, Maggie. 2022. Teaching Second Year German Using Frames and Constructions. In H. C. Boas (ed.). Directions for Pedagogical Construction Grammar: Learning and Teaching (with) Constructions, 265-304. Berlin/Boston: De Gruyter. [ PDF ]

Lorenz, Alexander, Crane, Cori, Benjamins, John, and Hans C. Boas. 2020. L2 German Learners’ Perceptions and Use of an Online Semantic Frame-Based Dictionary. Die Unterrichtspraxis/Teaching German 53.2, 191-209. [ PDF ]

Ruppenhofer, Josef, Hans C. Boas, and Collin Baker. 2013. The FrameNet approach to relating syntax and semantics. In: R.H. Gouws, U. Heid, W. Schweickard, and H.E. Wiegand (eds.), Dictionaries. An International Encyclopedia of Lexicography, 1320-1329. Berlin/New York: De Gruyter/Mouton. [ PDF ]

VanNoy, Annika. 2017. Culture Specific Aspects of Semantic Frames in Multilingual Frame Descriptions. Ph.D. dissertation, The University of Texas at Austin. [ PDF ]

Ziem, Alexander. 2014a. Von der Kasusgrammatik zum FrameNet: Frames, Konstruktionen und die Idee eines Konstruktikons. In: Ziem, Alexander/Lasch, Alexander (eds.): Grammatik als Netzwerk von Konstruktionen? Sprachwissen im Fokus in der Konstruktionsgrammatik. Berlin/New York: de Gruyter, 351-388.

Ziem, Alexander. 2014b. Konstruktionsgrammatische Konzepte eines Konstruktikons. In: Lasch, Alexander / Ziem, Alexander (eds.): Grammatik als Netzwerk von Konstruktionen. Sprachliches Wissen im Fokus der Konstruktionsgrammatik. Berlin/New York: de Gruyter, 21-48.

Ziem, Alexander. 2014c. Frames and constructions enhance text coherence: the case of DNI resolutions in spoken discourse. In Yearbook of the German Cognitive Linguistics Association 2, 3-20.

Ziem, Alexander. 2015a. Exklamativsätze im FrameNet-Konstruktikon. In: Finkbeiner, Rita / Meibauer, Jörg (eds.): Satztypen und Konstruktionen im Deutschen. Berlin/Boston: de Gruyter, 146-191. (together with Michael Ellsworth)

Ziem, Alexander. 2015b. Nullinstanziierungen im gesprochenen Deutsch: Kohärenz durch grammatische Konstruktionen? In: Bücker, Jörg / Imo, Wolfgang (eds.): Konstruktionsgrammatik IV: Konstruktion im Spannungsfeld von sequenziellen Mustern, kommunikativen Gattungen und Textsorten. Tübingen: Stauffenburg, 45-80.

Ziem, Alexander. 2015c. Fußball für Anfänger: Sieben Thesen zur Konzeption eines elektronischen Wörterbuches für den Sprachunterricht. In Born, Joachim / Gloning, Thomas (eds.): Sport, Sprache, Kommunikation und Medien. (= Gießener Reihe Linguistische Untersuchungen). Gießen. (20 Seiten).

Ziem, Alexander. 2015d. Metaphors meet G-FOL. Zur Integration von Metaphern in eine Lehr- und Lernplattform für DaF. In: Dalmas, Martine/Piirainen, Elisabeth (eds.): Figurative Sprache. Tübingen: Stauffenburg, S. 201-220.

Ziem, Alexander. 2015e. Kollaborative Argumentstruktur-Konstruktionen im gesprochenen Deutsch. In: Ziem, Alexander/ Lasch, Alexander (eds.): Konstruktionsgrammatik IV. Konstruktionen als soziale Konventionen und kognitive Routinen. Tübingen: Stauffenburg, 61-88. (together with E. Gotsbachner und R. Mroczynski)

Ziem, Alexander. 2015f. Probleme und Desiderata einer Social Construction Grammar. In: Ziem, Alexander/Lasch, Alexander (eds.): Konstruktionsgrammatik IV. Konstruktionen als soziale Konventionen und kognitive Routinen. Tübingen: Stauffenburg, 1-22.

Ziem, Alexander. 2015g. FrameNet, Barsalou frames and the case of associative anaphora. In: Gamerschlag, Thomas / Gerland, Doris / Osswald, Rainer / Petersen, Wiebke (eds.): Frames and Concept Types: Applications in Cognition, Language, and Science. Berlin: Springer, 51-70.

Ziem, Alexander and Hans C. Boas. 2017. Towards a Constructicon for German. In Proceedings of the AAAI 2017 Spring Symposium on Computational Construction Grammar and Natural Language Understanding. Technical Report SS-17-02, Stanford University. 274-277. [PDF]

Ziem, Alexander, Boas, Hans C., and Josef Ruppenhofer. 2014. "Grammatische Konstruktionen und semantische Frames fuer die Textanalyse". In J. Hagemann and S. Staffeldt (eds.), Syntaxtheorien. Analysen im Vergleich. Tuebingen: Stauffenburg. 297-333.

Relevant presentations by German FrameNet staff

Boas, Hans C. 2000a. "A Frame Semantic Approach to Communication Verbs in English and German," International Computer Science Institute, Berkeley, California, October 2000.

Boas, Hans C. 2000b. "Frame Semantics as a theoretical Basis for creating Dictionaries," Max-Planck Institute for Evolutionary Anthropology, Leipzig, Germany, December 2000.

Boas, Hans C. 2001. "English and German Motion Verbs in a Bilingual Dictionary: Some Implications for Contrastive Computational Lexicography based on Frame Semantics," AT&T Labs, New Jersey, February 2001.

Boas, Hans C. 2002. “Using Multi-lingual FrameNet Databases for Machine Translation,” German Research Center for Artificial Intelligence, Saarland University, Saarbrücken, Germany, June 2002.

Boas, Hans C. 2003. “Von der Theorie zur Praxis: Semantic Frames als Metasprache in der Computerlexikographie,” (From Theory to Practical Application: Semantic Frames as a Metalanguage for Computational Lexicography), Annual Meeting of the Linguistic Society of Germany. Munich, Germany, February 2003.

Boas, Hans C. 2003. "All in a Day's Week," (co-presented with Miriam Petruck), 17th International Congress of Linguists. Prague, Czech Republic, July 2003.

Boas, Hans C. 2004a. "Creating Bilingual Lexicon Fragments for English and German," First Annual Rice-UT Austin Linguistics Workshop on Language in Use. Rice University, Houston, TX, October 2004.

Hans C. Boas. 2004b. "Semantic Frames as an Interlanguage for Multilingual Lexical Databases," First Global FrameNet Workshop, International Computer Science Institute, Berkeley, California, October 2004

Hans C. Boas. 2012a. "Wie viel Wissen steckt in Woerterbuechern? Eine frame-semantische Perspektive." Invited plenary talk at the Annual Meeting of the Society for Applied Linguistics of Germany, University of Erlangen, Germany, September 2012.

Hans C. Boas. 2012b. "Bilingual dictionary entries in cross-lingusitic FrameNets." Invited talk, University of Gothenburg, October 2012.

Hans C. Boas. 2012c. "Towards a unified framework for analyzing semantic frames and constructions." Invited Plenary speaker at the First International Conference on Meaning and Knowledge Representation: LCM and FunGramKB. Universidad Nacional de Educacion a Distnacia, Madrid, Spain. July 2012.

Boas, Hans C. 2014a. "Constructing parallel lexicon fragments based on English FrameNet entries: Semantic and syntactic issues." Annual Graduate Student Conference on Meaning, UT Austin, March 2014.

Boas, Hans C. 2014b. "Syntactic alternations between frames and constructions: On the many ways of defining verb class membership." Construction Day Workshop, University of Erlangen, Germany, July 2014.

Boas, Hans C. 2014c. "What happened to Frame Semantics?" Plenary Lecture. 8th International Conference on Construction Grammar", University of Osnabrück, Germany, September 2014.

Boas, Hans C. 2015a. "What happens when constructions and lexical entries meet?" University of Jena, Germany, June 2015.

Boas, Hans C. 2015b. "Was bedeuten Wörter? Sprachwissen, Weltwissen und die Nützlichkeit von Wörterbüchern." Zentrum fuer Allgemeine Sprachwissenschaft, Berlin, Germany, June 2015.

Boas, Hans. 2015c. "Konstruktionen, Frames und Island Constraints." Internationales Kolloquium Chunks, Muster, Phrasemkonstruktionen, Institut fuer Deutsche Sprache, Mannheim Germany, June 2015.

Boas, Hans. 2015d. "Deep cases and frame elements at the syntax-semantics interface." International Workshop Categories in Grammar - Criteria and Limitations, Free University of Berlin, Germany, July 2015.

Boas, Hans C. 2017a. "Towards a Constructicon for German." Presentation at the 2017 Spring Colloquium of the American Association of Artificial Intelligence at Stanford University, Palo Alto, California.

Boas, Hans C. 2017b. "Conducting research in Construction Grammar and Frame Semantics." Sichuan University, Chengdu, P.R. China.

Boas, Hans C. 2017c. "Structuring the English lexicon: The Berkeley FrameNet project in its 20th year." Seventh International Forum on Cognitive Linguistics at Southwest University in Chongqing, P.R. China.

Boas, Hans C. 2017d. "Construction Grammar and Frame Semantics." Seventh International Forum on Cognitive Linguistics at Southwest University in Chongqing, P.R. China.

Boas, Hans C. 2017e. "The structure of multilingual FrameNets." Seventh International Forum on Cognitive Linguistics at Southwest University in Chongqing, P.R. China.

Boas, Hans C. 2017f. "Verb classification using constructions and semantic frames." Seventh International Forum on Cognitive Linguistics at Southwest University in Chongqing, P.R. China.

Boas, Hans C. 2017g. "Extending the lexicon: the constructicon between valency and argument structures." Seventh International Forum on Cognitive Linguistics at Southwest University in Chongqing, P.R. China.

Boas, Hans C. 2017h. "Capturing the meaning of absent words with semantic frames." Seventh International Forum on Cognitive Linguistics at Southwest University in Chongqing, P.R. China.

Boas, Hans C. 2017i. "Polysemy is the enemy: A frame-semantic approach to word meanings and syntactic alternations." Seventh International Forum on Cognitive Linguistics at Southwest University in Chongqing, P.R. China.

Boas, Hans C. 2017j. "Construction families and networks: Capturing generalizations and idiosyncratic patterns." Seventh International Forum on Cognitive Linguistics at Southwest University in Chongqing, P.R. China.

Boas, Hans C. 2017k. "Using semantic frames for building online learners' dictionaries of German and English." Seventh International Forum on Cognitive Linguistics at Southwest University in Chongqing, P.R. China.

Boas, Hans C. 2017l. "The English and German resultative construction networks." Seventh International Forum on Cognitive Linguistics at Southwest University in Chongqing, P.R. China.

Boas, Hans C. 2019a. “Von der Theorie zur Praxis: Zweitspracherwerb aus konstruktionsgrammatischer und konstruktikographischer Perspektive.” Invited plenary talk at the Semi-annual meeting of the Korean Society for the Didactics of German Literature and Language. Kangwon National University, Chuncheon, South Korea.

Boas, Hans C. 2019b. “Tradition and Innovation in Native Language Acquisition Education.”

Invited plenary talk at the The 21st Korean Language Education Research Institute International Conference. Seoul National University, Seoul, South Korea.

Boas, Hans C. 2019c. The syntax-semantics interface: A view from Construction Grammar and Frame Semantics.” Invited talk at the English Department, Seoul National University, Seoul, South Korea.

Boas, Hans C. 2020. „Von der Theorie zur Anwendung: Das German Frame-based Online Lexicon (G-FOL).“ Virtual Lecture over Zoom for the members of the Korean Society for the Didactics of German Language and Literature. Seoul National University, South Korea.

Boas, Hans C. 2021a. "The structure of multilingual FrameNets and Constructicons." Center for Lexicographical Studies of Guangdong University of Foreign Studies (P.R. China) (Online via Zoom).

Boas, Hans C. 2021b. "Using semantic frames for building online learners' dictionaries."

Center for Lexicographical Studies of Guangdong University of Foreign Studies (P.R. China) (Online via Zoom).

Boas, Hans C. and Ryan Dux. 2014. "Syntactic alternations between verb classes, semantic frames,and constructions." Workshop Verben und ihre konstruktionellen Muster kontrastiv, Institute for the German Language, Mannheim, Germany, June 2014.

Boas, Hans C., Ryan Dux, Maggie Gemmell, and Annika VanNoy. 2015. "Using the German Frame-based Online Dictionary for teaching vocabulary." 21st Germanic Linguistics Association Conference, Provo, Utah, May 2015.

Boas, Hans C. and Maggie Gemmell Hudson. 2021. “Interactional frames in the German Frame-semantic Online Lexicon (G-FOL).” Presentation at the 17th International Pragmatics Conference, Winterthur, Switzerland (held virtually because of COVID-19 pandemic).

Boas, Hans C. and Maggie Hudson Gemmell. 2022. “Guten Tag! Hallo! Moinsen! Servus!

Wortschatzvermittlung von Begrüßungsformeln mit dem German Frame-based Online Lexicon (G-FOL).” 17th International Conference of German Teachers in Vienna, Austria.

Boas, Hans C., Elias Ponvert, Mario Guajardo, and Sumeet Rao. 2011. "The current status of German FrameNet," SALSA workshop at the University of the Saarland, Saarbrücken, Germany, June 2006.

Boas, Hans and Alexander Ziem. 2015. "Towards a contrastive constructicon: Issues, methods, and case studies." International Workshop on Contrastive Constructicons, University of Erlangen, Germany, July 2015.

Boas, Hans C. and Alexander Ziem. 2017. "Two sides of the same coin: A constructional approach to phraseological patterns" at the 2017 EUROPHRAS conference "Phraseology and Construction Grammar" in Stockholm, Sweden.

Dux, Ryan. 2011. "Is stealing the same in German and English? A cross-linguistic comparison of the Theft frame." Presentation at the Germanic Linguistics Association Conference 17, The University of Texas. April 2011.

Dux, Ryan. 2012a. "Bringing Linguistics to the Language Classroom: Using Frame Semantics for Vocabulary Acquisition" at the Berkeley Germanic Linguistics Roundtable. Berkeley, CA. March 2012.

Dux, Ryan. 2012b. "The German Frame-based Dictionary" at the conference Not Your Grandma's German(ic Language) Class: Language, Literature, and Culture in 21st Century Education. Austin, TX. March 2012.

Dux, Ryan. 2013a. "The English rob/steal Alternation and its German Equivalents." 35th Annual Meeting of the German Society for Linguistics (DGfS). University of Potsdam, Germany. March 2013.

Dux, Ryan. 2013b. "The Syntax and Semantics of English Verbs of Stealing." 5th International Conference on the Linguistics of Contemporary English. The University of Texas at Austin. September 2013.

Dux, Ryan. 2014a. "Near-synonymous verbs with non-uniform syntax: Change verbs in German and English." 20th Annual Germanic Linguistics Annual Conference. Purdue University, West Lafayette, IN. May 2014.

Dux, Ryan. 2014b. "Uniformity and idiosyncrasy in verb classes: a frame-semantic account of English Change verbs." 8th International Conference on Construction Grammar, University of Osnabrück, Germany, September 2014.

Dux, Ryan. 2014c. "A frame-semantic approach to verbal valency patterns." 15th Texas Linguistic Society Conference. University of Texas at Austin, Austin, TX. October 2014.

Gemmell, Maggie 2014: "Defining formality levels: Cultural scripts as a guide to the formality scale of register." Annual Graduate Student Conference on Meaning, UT Austin, March 2014.

Ziem, Alexander and Hans C. Boas. 2016. "Time expressions between lexicon and syntax: Implications for foreign language teaching." Presentation at the conference "Constructional Approaches to Language Pedagogy 2" at the University of Basel, Switzerland, June 10-11, 2016.

Last updated November 2022

Department of Germanic Studies College of Liberal Arts The University of Texas at Austin
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