Corrido WEB Projects:
SPN 350/LAS 370S/MAS 374
Fall 2002


Rurales Porfirianos
Rural Mounted Police from Period of the Dictatorship of Don Porfirio Díaz


A continuación se encontrarán información, textos y sonido relevantes a corridos de diversos tipos, épocas y regiones. The following pages represent the semester projects of teams from SPN 350 / LAS 370S / MAS 374 produced during Fall 2002.
Corridos of Pancho Villa, La División del Norte, and the Decisive Battle of Celaya.
Text, audio, video, graphics and historical information.
  Britanny Bannerman
Kolin Howell
Holly Jackson
Jennifer Thatcher
The Corrido known as "El corrido de Kiansis" or "El corrido de los quinientos novillos": Possibly the earliest complete corrido of Intercultural Conflict from the Texas-Mexican Border Region.
Text, audio, video, graphics and historical information.
  Exer Hauser
Clara Musselman
Margaret Salzer
Early Smuggling Corridos: The Late Porfiriato Through Prohibition .
Text, audio, video, graphics and historical information.
  Amy White
Matt Brollier
The Interplay of the Corrido With the Development of Distinct Musical Styles.
Text, audio, video, graphics and historical information.
  Diana Barbosa
Rebecca Hart
Megan Height
Frieda Wiley
"Joaquín Murrieta": Some Aspects of the Myth and the Corrido
Text, audio, video, graphics and historical information.
Jess Canales
Grant Evans
Further Aspects of the Contemporary Narco-Corrido

Text, audio, graphics and analysis.
  Johanna Estrada
José Zúñiga
Sinaloa and the Narco-Corrido

Text, audio, graphics and analysis.
  James Allen

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